Tuesday, January 03, 2006

day 12

Loss of two days to be blamed on Qiong's counting skills, ahem.

Due to certain accusations of incoherence I am here to sound hopefully less incoherent, although correcting past grammar as Q has requested is somewhat beyond the scope of my blogging urges at half past one in the morning.

Today, we
- saw En and Vicki off sniff sniff
- sat in JavaBoy (a place which sells guaranteed hot coffee, and we do mean hot in the other sense as well) and had a perfectly sane and non-gay morning (not, of course, that the two must go together) watching Regis and Kathy in Florida or something. Nevermind the posters on the wall advertising Monday night where you get cheaper cocktails if you have your shirt off. And very conducive bathrooms downstairs. Mood lighting in the loos, woohoo.
- [in other news, Qionghui is sitting beside me sniggering at our old poetry textbook, Calling of Kindred]
- Moved to Brooklyn, to Ning Sung's friend's apartment. Much Sex and the City Miranda deja vu-ness, although probably only I will get this.
- MoMA in the afternoon. They had a large-ish Pixar exhibition on, with lots of sketches, models, complete traditional and digital/animated artwork from their entire archives. Excellent stuff. Very impressive and, well, cute. Watched five shorts on a TV along with all the little kids, isn't modern art just wonderfully mass appeal? Also liked the architecture and design galleries -- actual modern art painting and sculpture failed to move me. Again. I liked this little insect/leaf-like sculpture until I read the plaque, it was called Woman with her Throat Cut, why would anybody want to call a perfectly innocuous sculpture this and put innocents like me off? Oh and saw the furry tea cup again that was at the Surrealist exhibition at the Tate Modern a few years back, I forgot who was responsible. Still, was glad for the visit for the bits that I did like. And got to see dear Vincent's Starry Night, you couldn't miss it, there was a permanent congregation of people in front trying to take photos.
- Shopping in the rain. Being very restrained whole trip and entire total of shopping now constitutes:
a) A trashy I love NY t-shirt, from Chinatown
b) Two prints and two postcards (Gainsborough, Ingres and Whistler) from the Frick Collection
c) A little present for the Boyfriend (which therefore cannot be revealed) from the MoMA shop
d) One party top, which is very very slightly pika pika (am I allowed to type this at least?)
Ning Sung and Qionghui both bought boots, the great boot search is over! I gave up on mine, there is always the madness of the Selfridges sales to come.
- Dinner on 9th Ave near St Mark's Place, good Japanese. For appetizer I had this crazy thing called the mermaid. Sashimi layered on top of a big pile of rice, very artistic.

Tired now. Only tomorrow to go. Plan is to wander around Greenwich Village if the rain stops. To bed, or rather the sofa, anything will do. Ning Sung is on the phone to Aaron and I think she has just said "you never buy me flower". Hahahahaha. I will take this back if I heard wrong.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

damn, starry night is one of my favorite pix. would be nice to see the real thing in person. lucky you! :)

2:22 PM  

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